Some people tongue suddenly get tie!

Old people does seh that it gat some who does only see what dem want fuh see just like some boss does only see one person coming late but not de others. Is de same way some people only seeing one side of things even though other things happening right in front dem eyes!
People sehin that is “convenience” and “self-interest” and also sehin that de “mukracker” is a good example since conveniently it only carrying negative stories about de country because it gat self-interest in serving de opposition! Despite all de success stories, de rag paper meking it it duty fuh bad-mouth de land and then turn round and holler is “freedom of expression!” De people seh is de same reason way Freddie writing he scandalous column since he conveniently gat fuh serve de interest of dem. Dem sehin is de same “convenience” and “self-interest” showing up whenever de “Hands Up” and “Key” party call fuh inquiry.
People asking how come de two party ain’t call fuh inquiry into de circumstances that cause a member of de security service fuh lose he life in de far eastern side of de country. People want fuh know if that person ain’t matter just like de others who de parties claiming fuh be representing. But is not only dem.
Freddie, Mark, Chrissy and de rest of de gang quiet on de incident! People asking how come all of a sudden dem not freely expressing and airing dem views as dem accustom to and want fuh know if de very noticeable lack of expression is because cat get dem tongue! Apparently, it look like a “convenient kitty” tie up dem tongue with a string mek with “self-interest!” Some seh that de “tongue tying” is nothing new to de “mukracker” owner since he was quite more than silence when de Big Market paper complain about not getting advertisement. People who know de story seh he was quiet because he was getting de ads instead! People sehin that is “convenience” and “self-interest” and that is what some not seeing even though it right in dem face! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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