Some now learning that water don’t stay pun duck!

Following Laurie funeral de other day, some QC girls decide fuh tek on de “mukracker” and put it to it place fuh reporting de wrong thing. Everybody know that such wrong reporting is nothing new fuh de paper. As a matter of fact, it is a staple just like how rice is a staple in food here.
Apparently, de paper report and seh how only men from Laurie old school attended he funeral. Well, de girls didn’t tek too kindly to de misrepresentation of de fact that is wasn’t men alone from de old school and fuh de paper not recognising de many females at de funeral. De girls even seh that de paper get de name of de students’ association wrong! Some asking, what’s new? Dem seh de paper is just doing what it always doing and what it knows best and even tek umbrage at de QC girls fuh trying fuh change de nature of de paper. Dem citing “precedents” like, barber could only cut hair, a pathologist can only cut de dead, a cane-cutter could only cut cane and so on to show that de “mukracker” could only cut de truth and misrepresent facts and carry wrong story!
Apparently, dem gat a strong case and de QC girls now wondering if dem just waste dem time fuh try and correct de paper! While some others commending de QC girls fuh publicly pointing out de paper misrepresentation, dem also sehin that pointing it out gat no effect just like throwing water pun a duck or pun eddoe leaf. De water does run off and gat no effect. As a matter of fact, de duck does end up ducking more into de water when somebody pour de liquid pun it and lil boys does be doing de same to de eddoe leaf just fuh fun! With all of that, de paper owner claiming that de “mukracker” gat more circulation than others. People seh he right since it circulating more misinformation than anything else! Just ask de QC girls! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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