Some need help fuh get unstuck!

Everybody know it gat some people who like fuh push dem self and mek others believe that dem is de best thing since slice bread. In other words, that set does believe dem is de only expert it gat.
Now that de broadcast authority in place, Enrico sehin de committee lack “expertise”. People who know he seh is because he not pun de committee mek he sehin that! Dem also sehin that he believe that he is de only such expert it gat! Others sehin he just “trying a thing” fuh see if by chance he wasn’t consider fuh de committee, he outburst can be a reminder fuh get on. With that in mind, every time Hammie give a outburst, people seh dem get reminded that he still there! Dem sehin that he really gat fuh be a “expert” fuh defy everybody will and still hold on pun de position.
Apparently, part of he “expertise” is fuh ensure that he and none of de clerk of de town can get along so de focus gon be pun de ensuing “fights” and not on he doing nothing! People seh over de years, de man was never worried about what people seh about he not wuking or de city stink. Dem seh is only recently he start wearing a worried look and it ain’t gat anything fuh do with what a man write and seh that de city is de most unattractive in Caricom!
Apparently, Hammie worried since de Rev Moon dead! He worrying how he gon get de free trips fuh fly around de world and which he does give more priority to than de city wuk! He biggest worry is that he might now gat fuh spend more time here than overseas! More time here mean more “effort” fuh look like he wuking! People seh he so lost track that he think de new clerk of de town is still Beulah! Dem still remember de plenty “bouts” between he and she! Apparently, that is another sign that de man still stuck in de past! Dem hoping that Robeson can use one of de big machine and “unstuck” he! Some sehin is not Hammie alone who need “unstucking”. Dem seh de “mukracker” owner need help fuh get pull out from de pit he in. He seh how de country now in a pit. People seh since he live and gat business here, he also in de pit! Dem seh he being in de pit is not surprising since he paper always below journalistic standards. De same people seh that is real expertise in “self admission!” Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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