Some just love “crap cakes!”

Old people does seh that some people who love fuh talk does talk and talk until dem talk crap. Some does call dem crappers. It gat some who prominent and who don’t ever disappoint fuh convince yuh of dem crapper status. Just tek what Lincoln seh de other day. He seh that by cutting de ERC budget to one dollar, de opposition is not denying de entity of its right to carry out its constitutional mandate. Well, if that is not de statement fuh winning de “Crapper Award” fuh de year, what is? De man tek de cake – a crap cake! How can de ERC carry out its constitutional man date pun one dollar? That is only possible if de constitutional mandate is fuh pack up and go home! Lincoln should demonstrate in he customary high-decibel manner, how one dollar can do that.
He statement only serve to further confirm he position in de opposition. People want fuh know if de dollar mek out a elastic or gat “special magic” suh that when de ERC present it to de different places fuh mek payment, it automatically do it. If that is de case, then everybody would glad fuh such a dollar because dem don’t have to walk round with large amount fuh attract nabbers! Also, by just having one dollar, yuh could always seh yuh bruk when is you turn fuh pay fuh de drinks! Yuh just gat to hope that nobody else ain’t know about de “magical powers” of de dollar! But Lincoln is not de only crapper meking de round recently.
He colleague, Clement, who does sit down in de Region Four chair, seh that installing Interim Management Committees (IMC) in some NDCs would impede development.
By that, he strongly challenging Lincoln fuh de crap cake! In de first place, people in de affected villages sehin that de NDC don’t wuk with plenty not even having councillors! So how could Clement explain that by putting actual people fuh do de wuk, would impede development? People seh dem not surprise at what Lincoln and Clement seh, because David, de two of dem boss, did seh de same thing in de past! It look like de crap cake gat to be shared and dem who love such cake, like two men in de “ key” party, not too keen on sharing. Dem hollering, “oh crap!” Ting- a- ling- a- ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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