Some GNIC shipyard workers could face retrenchment

– Duncan

Workers of the Guyana National Industrial Corporation (GNIC) who last week took industrial action demanding increased wages and proper safety equipment may know their fates come October, when the board of directors meets to discuss the way forward.

The company has been talking about restructuring for some time now, saying that the economic meltdown has affected some of its departments and, as a result, has made some of the workers redundant.

However, General Secretary of the Guyana Labour Union (GLU), Carvil Duncan, has said that the issue of retrenchment has caused some workers great concern, and it is hoped that the September 30 meeting scheduled by the company’s board of directors to discuss the issue will put the workers at ease.

During an exclusive interview with Guyana Times, Duncan said that he is a bit concerned about the fact that the workers are not appreciative of the history and makeup of the company.

“GNIC is a combination of Laparkan Holdings Inc, management, workers and the union, of which 30 percent of ownership belongs to management, workers and the union,” he noted.

Making reference to the allegations levelled against him by some strikers that he was not representing the workers to the best of his ability, specifically he was a “double-headed snake”, Duncan said that he is not a traitor.

“I have been, and will always be a fighter for the rights of workers, he said.

He added that his position as the vice chairman of GNIC does not at all compromise his position as the head of the GLU.

The union head stated that it is clearly not the company’s intention to dismiss any of the workers, and as a result both the union and management will do all they can to prevent such from happening.

“It would be unfair to send people home now… Restructuring is not a union problem, and the union took a position to let the chief executive officer address the workers as it relates to that…I would wish that they don’t go home,” he said.

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