Some gifts could dampen excitement!

It gat de story of a lady who wake up all excited after dreaming about a diamond ring. She ask she husband what it mean and he smile and seh when he come home from wuk she would know. Whole day she suffering from “can’t wait syndrome” as she buzz with excitement. When de husband reach home he get a rousing welcome like never before after he reach in he pocket and tek out a fancy looking parcel. De wife couldn’t wait and rip off de wrapping and find a book name, “The meaning of Dreams”. Immediately she excitement went cold like ice in freezer since she thought she was getting a ring! De moral of de story is about interpretation.
People seh if yuh ain’t know fuh interpret, yuh wouldn’t get de real message. That is why when people reading de “mukracker” dem does tek plenty care and read more than once so dem don’t miss de real interpretation. De paper always accusing de government of condoning corruption and fuh not doing anything about it. Now that Robeson terminate a certain contractor contract fuh allege fraud while doing de wuk, de “mukracker” seem like it now “defending” de contractor. While all de facts not yet out, de same paper does blame de government fuh when contractors do shoddy wuk! Now that action is taken, that is now a problem! People who read it meking dem own interpretation!
Is de same thing with Khemraj and Moses who mek plenty noise about NICIL and when time come fuh debate it pun TV dem conveniently absent demself! Is de same way dem seh dem “above board” but get accuse of allegedly depriving a man of he house and allegedly soliciting funding fuh study law respectively! Dem also demanding a commission fuh enquire into de mining town incidents and fuh more probing at a TV station, but avoiding an enquiry into de allegations against dem! Maybe others should demand a probe of dem! While that could have a different interpretation, it should bring dem fuh answer just like how Uncle Kurshid mek de “big” lawyer do! Who knows, dem even get a gift too – a book; “The meaning of Probe!” That gon put “ice” pun what meking dem excited! That also gat a different interpretation! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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