Some gat “maths deficiency syndrome”

It gat some people who like fuh talk but when time come fuh do, dem can’t. Everybody know de big fuss de “Hands Up” party mek over de last election results. Dem seh that de Statement of Polls didn’t “add up” and demand copies. Is almost three months now and dem can’t finish adding it up. Apparently “adding up” is dem nemesis.

That might explain why dem wasn’t interested in “add-it-ing” de national accounts when dem was controlling it. Priya putting things in place fuh help improve maths results. Maybe de talkers in de “Hands Up” party can benefit. Recently, dem mek plenty noise fuh National Awards return. Now that it did, dem questioning expenditure.

Dem ain’t realise that fuh put on something like that and fuh mek de medals cost money? Again, symptoms of “maths deficiency syndrome”.

Plenty people memory not deficient though. Dem still remember when de votes never add up during when de Coconut Tree party was in charge. Rigging was de “daily word” and de “maths” used. It was like dem “manna”. Now all of a sudden, dem claiming dem ain’t know de word after dem get accuse of doing it in de last election.

Even de “key” party man, Khemraj, use to accuse dem of it. Now, he and dem sound like somebody that just wake up from a long sleep and trying fuh deny dem was in a slumber! Development is one word that wasn’t in de “vocab” when de Coconut Tree party was in power. It also seem absent from de “mukracker” “repertoire”. It look like it against investment because it always meking issue with investors. Unemployment is a big thing in de U.S. with millions out of a job, but de “mukracker” gat problems with people getting opportunities fuh wuk here. De paper talk so much that it does end up in trouble. Yuh had fuh get magnifying glass fuh see de lil apology; again! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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