Some a dem ah holler…

Satiricus was very upset at the way the Muckraker KN had insulted the members of the Private Section Committee (PSC). Some new columnist has dared to say all kind of nasty things about these goodly gentlemen who were single-handedly developing this country. They were even so bold to call names. Satiricus was an old journalistic hack and he knew this was not the usual way for even the Muckraker to act.
The PSC had fumed: “The disgraceful publication of this rubbish displays the worst form of gutter journalism and completely demeans the profession of journalism in Guyana.”
“Ai bai Sato! Ah wha upset you dis time?” asked Cappo cheerfully. “You look like you just swalla crapo!” Cappo was relaxed. He hadn’t worked for months. The sugar estate couldn’t start grinding: rains. The gang were bending their elbows with some beer at the back-street dive.
“Man, you think is right for the Muckraker KN to cuss down the PSC like that?”asked Satiricus as he unfolded his GTimes. “They is all good people, you know.”
As Cappo scanned the news item, Teacher Samad chimed in. “I read about that. But I have a question for you, Sato.”
At Satiricus’ raised eyebrows, Samad continued, “Where were all these PSC people when Mook Lall used the Muckraker to attack that fellow who own the big pharmaceutical company and so on?”
“What you mean?”demanded Satiricus. As Samad rolled his eyes, Suresh picked up the gyaaf.
“Don’t play stupid, Sato,” Suresh said curtly. “You know what Teach saying. All of them been quiet as a mouse when the other fella – who is one of their member! – was tekking all Mook Lall’s blows.”
Cappo had finished with the article and piped up, “Dem bin scared, dats why. They think if dey stay quiet Mook Lall gon spare dem! Dey doan know people like Mook! Some ah dem gon halla, some a dem gon bawl!”
“But I don’t think Mook Lall would piss off all the business people. Something else going on,” confessed Satiricus.
“Budday!!” yelled Georgie, who was visiting from New York. “Lemme tell you. It all got to do with this new fella who writing the “Amuse” column for Mook Lall.”
All eyes around the table turned on him. Georgie didn’t mind: as a matter of fact, he loved attention. “Fellas, I was drinking at Prince Hotel near the stadium and guess who was at the next table?”
“Mook Lall?” ventured Kuldeep, who’d been soaking up the gyaff.  “That is the Mook spot.”
“Dammed right but with him was the Amuse fella. You guys might know him. Said he was supposed to be the head of the PSC.”
“Really?” mumbled Satiricus, with furrowed brows.
“Yep.” replied Georgie. “Said the PSC guys didn’t stick by him. Especially the two he attack.”
“Oh me god,” screamed Cappo. “Me know de chap. He does play like he a wan pandit!”
Satiricus sighed. It was the same old story. Wherever you looked, no one had any principles. Everybody just settling scores.

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