Some “singing” loud pun deaf ears!

A funny thing happen Phagwah day gone, well, at least fuh dem who saw it. All heard a man giving a explanation of a song he was about to sing at one of de cultural events.

He sing with heart and soul, very expressive and emotional like a Bollywood on-screen hero. Well, at least he thought so. But nobody ain’t hear a note after he finish he explanation because de huge walls of speaker suddenly went “dumb”! But he sing; finished one verse and started de other! People laff and mek noise. He thought dem expressing appreciation. He sing on. Back stage people give he signals. He think dem giving he “thumbs up”. Technicians scramble fuh check wires and speakers. People laff more as he start de second verse. Then, plastic bottles “rain” pun he.

He didn’t see de bottles because de same time, he turn fuh “serenade” the band giving his back to de audience. De crowd scream at dem who threw bottles fuh stop, because dem wanted de “act” fuh continue. Dem seh dem never see such “entertainment” yet even though some start fuh doubt dem hearing ability because of de “powder storm” dem was trapped in. Plenty use dem index finger fuh “tunnel” powder from dem ears. One man thought he turn deaf as a doornail. Eventually, de “singer” was “dragged” off by officials who intervened. What was even more funny, was that he couldn’t believe nobody hear he! He was surprised and disappointed because he seh he “pull” plenty notes fuh do justice to de song.

Organisers now doubt de “singer” hearing ability! He only get convince when he see de heavy thick wire get cut by somebody with wicked intentions. Dem suspect somebody who know de “singer” “ability” from before! De crowd was angry that de “act” end. Some was happy fuh “find back” dem hearing after de wire was fixed.

Just like de “singer”, it gat some like de “mukracker”, its owner, Freddie and de rest of de cabal who “singing” over de years fuh tarnish de country’s image. Dem pitch to donor groups and international organisation is futile. But the country continues to prosper as a deaf ear is lent to dem act! They are unaware of their “severed wires” even though de Opposition cheering dem on! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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