Sharma Solomon
The shortage of medical drugs at healthcare institutions and poor infrastructure works by some contractors are two major issues affecting Region 10, Chairman Sharma Solomon said.
He said the health concern was discussed at the region’s last statutory meeting, noting that the absence of a proper ambulance in Linden continues to be a problem for residents.
“The ambulances which were requested and are to be supplied by Beharry (company) are going to be weeks delayed. This is based on shipping problems. The region is very concerned and disappointed by that. We’ve also asked the administration to find ways of imposing penalties for the late supply of this very crucial piece of equipment,” he stated.
Solomon further stated that government has given Region 10 an ambulance procured by Ainlim, for use at the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC); however, to date, Solomon related that it has not been commissioned, despite being present in the region.
He said the RDC is very disappointed as it is awaiting the availability of Health Minister, Dr Bheri Ramsaran to commission the ambulance. Solomon is calling on the minister to have the ambulance commissioned as soon as possible so that it can commence operations.
The shortage of medical drugs at health institutions continue to be a major health concern in Region 10, the regional chairman said, noting that steps are being taken at the level of the RDC to improve healthcare delivery.
He opined that more suppliers should be given an opportunity to supply medical drugs so that an adequate supply of drugs can be made available.
Solomon also noted that the RDC is currently seeking assistance in upgrading healthcare delivery, more so in the areas of training and the enhancement of machinery/equipment. The upgrading of the trauma care room at the LHC is a priority of the RDC, he said.
The deplorable condition of the Linden to Kwakwani Road, Solomon stated is also an issue for the RDC. He said the road continues to deteriorate, especially during the inclement weather and residents who ply the route continue to voice their concerns to the RDC.
“The region is very concerned that the road continues to not receive the attention that it deserves…. Interior road development is going to lead to the opening up of frontiers, which will allow for the expansion of different sectors, more so the agriculture and mining sectors, and also logging to a great extent.
“We know that in having the Linden to Kwakwani Road properly done, in fact the region will continue as we did in our meeting with the Minister of Public Works, to suggest that every year five miles of properly asphalted road must be done and at the end of a certain amount of years, we would have a continuous well done road. The region continues to promote that initiative and remains very committed to ensuring that that road is done,” Solomon said.
He added: “People are very disappointed that to date, the Minister of Public Works and government who would have assured on September 5 (last)that residents would have received a very well done road by now, to date, that is not the case. “In fact, the road is worse, especially the stretch between the Coomacka Mines area. Residents are becoming very annoyed and I would like to express to the Minister of Public Works that it is important to have these works done as soon as possible.”