Soloman is a solo man

Shop people does pack up shelf and put lil tings in one place and big tings in another place. Is de same wid big man and lil bhai. Dem must never be in de same place. Old people seh every ting must got a place and every body must know dem place.

Soloman never learn that lesson in life. He ain’t look like he know he place. He tink he is a big man. Soloman also tink he is a tink man. He tink he can tink fuh de whole of Linden. That is a whole big town. Soloman musbe got a hole in he brains to tink that he can tink fuh de whole of a town.

Soloman had a plan. Soloman had a plan to shut down Linden. But de plan look like a solo man plan. Soloman alone know de plan. He ain’t tell a soul de plan. He ain’t tell de Harding Man de plan. And he ain’t tell De Yonge Man de plan. And dem is two big man. Not Soloman.

He only tell some of de press de plan. He tell de Kocheur de plan. After all, it got sheer kocheur down deh. Soloman tell de Stabber de plan. After all, de Stabber lookin to stab de guvament right in de back wid a big knife made in de U.S.A.

Whah end up happenin is that de prezzi shut down Soloman. De prezzi went about he business. That was enough to shut down de man who seh he gon shut down a whole town. Instead, is Soloman who get shut up. He tink he had de balls to shut down de whole town. A doctor seh he had de balls, but not de brains.

Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! Is just like de Yarde Man who plan to shut down de whole of GT de garbage town de other day. But Yarde Man end up nearly gettin run outta he own yard. Some body seh he get run outta GT de garbage town too. And it wasn’t de garbage that run he out!


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