Softball cricket should be encouraged

Dear Editor,
The just concluded ad-hoc over-40 softball cricket tournament caught my attention. Now why can’t there be a few more tournaments like this one? Matches are quickly completed. In addition, softball cricket is safe and all that the players need are playing suits and a bat. There should be more softball cricket in Guyana. It is fun-filled and would provide a nice form of recreation for the family.
In Canada, the Ontario Softball Cricket League (OSCL) is planning to send a team to Guyana for the tournament called the “Guyana Softball Cup 2013”. This tournament is scheduled to run from November 8-10, 2013. It seems as though we are not on top of things here. I would have expected a few more games, so that we can put together a good team. I also hope for some media reporting, even up to some live commentary.
Locally, we have the Guyana Softball League (GSL) and it used to organise many tournaments countrywide. I am so sorry that there is no more of the GT& T 10/ 10 competition, but I am sure that with some extra effort, this competition can have new sponsors and supporters. Hundreds of teams used to take part. We cannot allow this kind of start to fall away. The games used to attract vast crowds too. I recall also a 10/ 10 tournament held in Essequibo, that had some 64 teams competing. We can do with a lot of softball cricket in Guyana. We can do also with the presence of many former players.
Yours respectfully,
Amar Khaleed

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