Sleeping truck driver crushes teen

A fourth form student of Manchester Secondary School, Corentyne, Berbice, was on Wednesday struck and killed by a speeding truck while riding on the Manchester Public Road. The accident occurred about 18:30h. Zani Munroe, 15, of Liverpool, Corentyne, Berbice, received severe injuries and reportedly died on her way to the New Amsterdam Hospital.

Zani Munroe
Zani Munroe

The injured teen was first taken to the Port Mourant Hospital, but due to the severity of the injuries; she was rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital where she succumbed. According to information received, Munroe was riding her bicycle when the driver of a truck belonging to Annirude Trucking Service reportedly fell asleep and slammed into the child.
Police have since launched a manhunt for the driver, who subsequently fled the scene, leaving the truck behind.
Immediately after the accident, public-spirited citizens rushed to the scene; picked up the teen and took her to the hospital, but it was too late.
Sharon Munroe, an aunt of the teen, said she was at home when she observed persons running in the direction of the main road, and she followed them. As they kept running, she started to inquire what happened and was told that a child was struck down and killed.
The teen, Guyana Times International understands, returned home from school and went back on the road unknowing to her relatives.
The woman disclosed that the girl would normally spend time at her mother’s residence, which is a few yards from where she met her demise. Zani is survived by her parents and two sisters. A post-mortem is expected to be performed on Friday.

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