“Sir Allen” hoping Duckworth-Lewis can help!

Allen Stanford mek a century! As a matter of fact, a bit more, 110 exactly and it ain’t gat anything fuh do with cricket! Well, not exactly, because, plenty felt that de attention he get from de cricket was probably what led to de probe that mek he reach three figures! Having reached de “milestone”, he didn’t get a chance fuh “celebrate” like how Shiv does kiss de ground or how Ramdin does pull out notes from he pocket! People seh even if he wanted fuh kiss de ground or pull out a note, he couldn’t because de courtroom floor is concrete plus he hands was “tied!” People seh de “feat” mek he more popular than de legends he use to employ!
Dem seh when people talk about cricket now, Lara 501 and Sammy being captain gon tek back-seat to “Sir Allen” hundred! While some celebrate de “achievement”, others wondering to know how dem getting dem assets back. Apparently, that leff in de “back-seat” of a car de Region T20 pioneer no longer drive. People remember when de man not only use to drive, but fly. He land down from helicopter in England and impress de cricket bosses about de tournament he use to run. He use to wave at de sixes. Now, de only thing he could wave is a appeal! People seh he wish that de appeal could be resolve swift like a appeal pun de pitch even if it gat to go to de third umpire!
Some seh he didn’t “bat” cautiously. Dem seh if he use to “poke” and “block” with “bat and pad” together, he mighta been able to spend more time at de “crease”. Instead he played de “hook” shot and get catch – hooked on de lavish lifestyle he had! He even had some of de cricketers spouses resting pun he lap fuh all to see! People want fuh know how come de clients didn’t sense something was wrong having seen de man own a place name “Sticky Wicket!” Everybody know that when de wicket sticky especially from being wet, yuh can’t play! In cases like that, de Duckworth-Lewis calculations does determine how short de game gon be. “Sir Allen” hoping it could apply to sentence! Ting-a-ling-a-ling…Friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie!

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