
…is Granger’s consent
Unlike David Granger, PNC’s Chairwoman, Volda Lawrence, came through the party’s ranks— more specifically, the Georgetown PNC ranks. While Granger boasted of being a “member” of the PNC since the sixties, he was a key cog in another of the triumvirate institutions on which the Burnhamite dictatorship was built – the Armed Forces. The third leg, of course, was the Public Service, which Burnham straightened out during stints at Hope Coconut Estate!!
Volda Lawrence isn’t called “Vulga” Lawrence just because her name is easily corruptible to that form. She’s been in the trenches for donkey years and knows how to use the strategic advantage of “owning” Georgetown to the party’s benefit. That advantage was shown as far back as 1905 when lumpen elements from the poorer sections of the city were mobilised by demagogues to loot and burn whole sections of Georgetown in protests. They were called “centipedes” from their penchant of running in crowds along the streets as if coordinated by one mind!
Burnham and foreign elements were to use these elements in the Black Friday Riots of 1962 to prove to the incumbent PPP regime: might be in office, but not in power!! The centipede elements were brought out with predictable regularity whenever the PNC wanted to remind its opponents that their politics weren’t waged only in Parliament – but in the streets. The 1997-98 PNC protests and riots were the fin de siècle events which signalled that the PNC was going to continue its centipede tradition into the new millennium!
Granger was made leader of the PNC since 2011— his accepting of rigging the party elections to hand him that role proved he accepted that corrupt act as mere “blooding”! He’s perfectly comfortable with all the dirty and bloody tricks the PNC will use to stay in power and the “clean” church-going image he cultivates is nothing more than that: an image. While his virtue signals at the drop of a hat, with carefully-scripted kneeling in churches and such like, Volda Lawrence does the “vulgar” PNC signalling to the centipede mob!
But you’ll notice Granger never, ever disavows Lawrence’s vulgarities – much less censuring her: they’ve worked out their good cop, bad cop routine to a “T”!! He never uttered a word about Lawrence’s declaration about giving “wuk” only to PNC people? Or that the centipedes should come out in front of the polling stations after polling closes?? This is patently and blatantly illegal and shouldn’t be countenanced in a democracy!
Granger should remember Burnham’s quote: Qui tacet consentire videtur, ubi loqui debuit ac potuit:
“He who is silent when he ought to have spoken and was able to, is taken to agree”!!
Where’s the “integrity”??

…and fools
Over the years, the wisdom of Mark Twain’s quip, “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt” has been proven beyond even a quibble. But it’s clear that Moses Nagamootoo – the man still fighting to be Prime Minister! – feels compelled to ignore the advice.
His latest foray in removing doubts that he’s a fool was his utterances on the sugar estates’ closure, at a meeting (certainly NOT “rally” as he claimed!) at his home village of Whim. He claimed the PPP wanted “to show that this Government spite … Indo Guyanese” and were “racist”!! So his party hadn’t promised the estates wouldn’t be closed during the 2015 campaign? As did his Govt’s CoI! So the PPP shouldn’t point out the hypocrisy?
Nagamootoo also repeated assertions he’d made after the sugar closures that workers would get land to farm.
But after doling out lands to every PNC supporter in sight, why are sugar workers still landless??

…on sugar, not bauxite
Referring to Rusal’s temporary layoff of 142 workers, Labour Minister Keith Scott bemoaned, “We do not support the workers being laid off. They have families to care for and bills to pay.”
And sugar workers didn’t?

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