SHOCKING REVELATIONS…Govt launches probe into spoilt milk claims

Director of the Government Analyst Food and Drug Department attached to the Health Ministry, Marlon Cole
Director of the Government
Analyst Food and Drug
Department attached to the
Health Ministry, Marlon Cole

Shocking revelations are being made regarding a quantity of spoilt milk that was delivered to the Diamond Diagnostic and other hospitals. This newspaper understands that the Government has launched a high level probe to get to the bottom of the issue.

This publication was reliably informed that the milk was delivered by a well-known local company; however, health authorities have opted not to comment on the name of company.

While the details surrounding the discovery are surfacing, Director of the Government Analyst Food and Drug Department attached to the Health Ministry, Marlon Cole, when contacted on Wednesday confirmed that indeed some “bad” milk was discovered at the Diamond Hospital and that investigations are ongoing.

Cole explained that while the discovery was made some time back, the probe is yet to be completed since another issue came up. This new matter is in relation to challenges with Customs.

“The milk, some of it, has been seized pending investigations and those investigations are ongoing. So I’m not at liberty to give any details about the investigation,” the Food and Drug Department Head was quoted in a section of the media as saying.

When asked about the quantity of milk that was spoilt, the Director could not say as he is awaiting the submission of the report from the probe.

Meanwhile, Public Health Minister, Dr George Norton told a section of the media that he was made aware of the situation on the same day but was not fully briefed on what transpired.

“I know for a fact that this milk was destroyed because it was found to have larva inside,” the Minister revealed. However, he stated that all the milk was confiscated and the spoilt ones have been destroyed.

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