Sexual harassment at school, work must be dealt with immediately

Dear Editor,
I was about to write on another topic when a letter from a prominent attorney on the school sexual case caught my eye. I took particular interest in his letter because it shows the depth, width and scope this sexual predatory practice has become in our school system.
It seems — and from discussions I have had with folks in Georgetown — like this high school sexual mess is a pretty pervasive act, starting from the Ministry of Education officials right down to the ordinary teacher; all are involved.
It is an endemic situation, and it seems like what those in authority would like is that this entire matter be held ‘hush-hush,’ and somehow it would blow over. It is tantamount to the saying that it is an everyday thing, everybody doing it, so why the fuss?
Well, I have news for all the sympathisers and actors in this sordid affair: it would neither blow over nor would it be a case of a slap on the wrist “naughty boy teacher/s” approach to this matter. If he or whoever else is in the business of sexual harassment and exploitation in our education system, then an example has to be made of them, now!
From Attorney Jerome Khan’s letter, you get the subtle line of argument that ‘if you tell on me, then I will tell on you’ attitude. Interesting! Then we have a big case on our hands now, so let them bare all in a court of law. That is why I am not in the least excited by the Ministry of Education’s approach to this matter. It tells me that it would be another one of those nonsensical displays of going around in eddying circles, T-dance just to let the guilty go free.
If you ask me the question, ‘What should be the approach to this matter?’, I would say parents join together in one unitary whole and take the matter to court; this is your right! And I am talking about taking this matter to the High Court.
It is a criminal matter involving minors against alleged sexual deviants; as such, nothing should preclude you from litigation. Absolutely nothing!
It is already in the public domain, and no ministry or family court can remedy the damage done to those kids. Your children’s future is at stake here.
Our children’s lives are at stake; that is why I view this matter with utmost sincerity and severity. When sexual predation, in this case “institutionalised sexual predation,” can be condoned, then immediate serious action has to be taken.
You are talking about young, vulnerable, minor children whose lives may never be the same due to some roving sexual animals in our education system.
Their lives have been ruined by adults who should know better. You cannot call them loose or other vile terms, because teenagers who are now finding themselves sometimes behave unseemly; but is this license for adults to exploit them? Our adults should take the higher moral road of responsibility into guiding them right. To exploit them is vile, immoral and criminal, and should be dealt with swiftly and condignly.
Like I said in a previous letter, when I send my child to school, he/she has a right to be free of all encumbrances — sexual or otherwise — in his/her pursuit of an education. No one should stand in their way, and no system should hinder them from obtaining their goal.
If persons of impure thoughts and unnatural sexual proclivities are in the system and cannot contain themselves, then the law has to tell them how to conduct themselves around children.
Sexual harassment at work, school or play must be dealt with as soon as it rears its ugly head. Sexual predatory practices must be rooted out of the school system forthwith!
Neil Adams

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