Several questions which GECOM must answer

Dear Editor,

Growing up, it was almost impossible to escape the blathering noises about the ‘rigged elections’ in the 1980s and before. Many times, conveniently, those seemingly redundant avowals began to sink in as pure hogwash.

The reason was simple. I did not exist in that epoch, why be bothered by such confabulations. However, things took a melancholic turn. History repeated itself. The famous Karl Marx warnings came alive: “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”

Never in my wildest imagination had I envisioned that the generation of this era would have to bear witness of the evils of rigging. The dreadful elections of 2015 evoked sentimentalities of a lost system of justice, where philosophies promoting ideas such as free and fairness were sacrificed.

The gains for such heinous acts will not aid the nation’s healing process in the already delicate and feeble Guyana. Perhaps an investigation into such evils still dawdles in the embryonic stage, but it must be pursued.

Joe Stalin’s words, though penetrating, come to mind: “It doesn’t matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes.” The biggest antagonist in this façade downheartedly is the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM); the entrusted legitimate referee of this nation’s democracy.

GECOM refusal to follow to the explicit rulings of People’s Representation Act on recounting procedures sets a dangerous precedence. Such actions bring deep resentment which will lead to further polarization of the people of Guyana.

The perception of cheating breeds contempt. GECOM destroyed every iota of trust conferred upon them. The 200,000 plus of people who spoke through ballots may never forgive the current leadership of GECOM.

An overhaul is inevitable to regain the element of trust. There is no other way. From the Chairman, Commissioners, Secretariat Staff, Returning Officers and their subsets must be replaced!

Inefficiency, nepotism, poor management tactics, fake Statement of Polls and denial of recount are some of the contributing factors that lead to GECOM’s ship to sink. What is the purpose of the recounting guidelines if it cannot be upheld when necessary?

The Standard Operating Procedures must be reviewed by an independent body; thereby leading to a new setup at GECOM. It is regrettable the stint of the relatively new CEO is marred with this controversy.

Armed with an abundance of experience in election management, how could the CEO become trapped in this disgraceful occurrence? Did he trust the wrong set of people? Under his watchful eyes, such devious evil acts of rigging relive.

The Guyanese public demand answers! Whether it was one fake SOP or 50 discovered, no doubt, the integrity of the process has been compromised. Brushing it aside as having no significant impact on the election results is dotish.

The issue is not the result, but the authenticity of the mechanism adopted to capture, tabulate and transmit the voter’s intent. The action of a former CEO of GT&T sets a professional standard worthy of emulating. When it was discovered that financial irregularities slipped under his watch, he bowed out. GECOM officials should follow suit.

I am truly disappointed with GECOM.


New York-based Guyanese

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