Setting up of a national think-tank for the agriculture sector is a worthwhile move

Dear Editor,

The plan to set up a national think-tank for the agri sector is indeed a worthwhile one and I share the view with the Agriculture Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy that this is necessary step to help push the programmes of the sector. It is hoped that such an initiative will bring together the most qualified and competent individuals to share their thoughts and offer advice on various issues in relation to how Guyana can realize its full potential.

No doubt there are many possibilities in the agri sector which must be fully explored and I have no doubt that Minister Ramsammy will take the sector to greater heights during his tenure as minister as he has done with the Health Ministry while he was there.

Editor, you would agree with me that the time has come for a change in traditional practices in agriculture and Guyana should strive to shape its own future. Against this background research and development would be crucial if the sector is to move forward. In most countries, much resources are allocated towards research and development and skills training in various areas so as to get the best policy advice on various issues.

Agriculture must be developed to the level where a large number of people can make a livelihood, develop enterprises, and act as a spring board for national development in our country, hence the national think-tank is a move in the right direction.

Yours sincerely,

R Raghubir

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