Serving the people of Guyana has been the greatest honour of my life – President Jagdeo

President Bharrat Jagdeo

Serving the people of Guyana as your president has been the greatest honour of my life,” said head of state, President Bharrat Jagdeo, while delivering his final Independence Day message. Hundreds witnessed the moving speech at the National Park on the eve of Guyana’s 45th independence anniversary, minutes before the Golden Arrowhead was hoisted and a thrilling fireworks display was put on.

“As I depart, my faith in the people of this country is as high as it was on the day I took office. I am proud of this country, and of the unity that binds us together,” Jagdeo, who only hours before received an award for outstanding statesmanship, said.

According to him, citizens should never allow “artificial” divisions of race or religion to divide the nation, as the ‘Guyanese blood’ has always created a bond.

“In the years ahead, wherever I am, whatever I am doing, I will always be thinking of Guyana and (be) ready to support my country and people. But I will do so as a Guyanese citizen, loyal to whomever the people of Guyana choose as our president. And I will do so with great pride in all that we have achieved together, and with great hope for all that is yet to come.”

According to Jagdeo, while he will no longer be president, the next era of progress awaits. However, its arrival is dependent on the citizens’ decision to embrace it.

The incumbent leader said if Guyana is to assume its rightful place among the nations of the world, its people need to upgrade their vision beyond decades-old innovations.

“We need to look to a field of vision greater than we have had in the past. And the foundations we have built over the last decade and more mean that we can go out and benefit from that field of vision.” This, he believes, is necessary to create a “Guyana that is not just free, secure, socially just, and prosperous; but a Guyana that is more.” He added that the efforts to realise this vision have already been started by the PPP/Civic government.

When Guyana celebrates its 46th independence anniversary, a new president will stand at that podium, and Jagdeo says he is willing and ready to support that person, regardless. “And when you gather here next year, you should see in that new president the embodiment of our independent democracy, and the individual expression of the peaceful transfer of power that demonstrates our national democratic maturity,” he further stated.

The presidential candidates so far are Donald Ramotar, of the ruling People’s Progressive Party/ Civic, retired Brigadier David Granger of the People’s National Congress Reform, Khemraj Ramjattan of the Alliance For Change, and Peter Ramsaroop of the Guyana People’s Partnership. Commenting on the ongoing political debate, Jagdeo assured citizens that the competition is a healthy one, and is practised in any democracy. “It is a robust national conversation that should be embraced, not shunned. But once it has taken place, our country will unite again behind our new president, who will take over the responsibilities of stewarding our nation towards its next era of progress.”

He is confident that the new president of Guyana will “draw daily strength from the inspiration of the Guyanese people,” as he did over the last 12 years.

Meanwhile, President Jagdeo believes that Guyana has achieved much since it gained independence on May 26, 1966. According to him, the hoisted Golden Arrowhead is symbolic not only of independence, but is a focal point of shared values of Guyanese.

“These shared values define us, because they represent the choices that we have made as an independent people; the values which enshrine the sovereignty of our citizens over our country; the values embedded in our belief that democracy is the only means by which we should choose our government; the values that inform our embrace of our multi- cultural Guyanese identity, And the values that promote the idea that every Guyanese citizen should be free to secure an ever better life for themselves, their families, their communities and their country.”

He added that it remains a challenge for the country to translate those values into a contemporary reality for all of its peoples. And because of the hard work of citizens today, Jagdeo is adamant that the struggle to create a free, prosperous, socially just and modern Guyana continues to be advanced.

But the hard work does not end here. The head of state has hinted that continued advancement would require citizens staying the course towards overcoming the challenges faced today. This will also require strength of vision, he added.

Despite this, Jagdeo explained, the PPP/C’s vision to expand the economy, support private sector growth, modernise traditional economic sectors, and encourage new and emerging sectors remains on course. He concluded: “Fellow Guyanese, for the last time as your president, I say happy Independence Day.”

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