Seeraj calls for full investigation into allegations against Berbice ranks

Member of Parliament Dharamkumar Seeraj is calling on the Guyana Police Force to launch a full investigation into the allegations by Corentyne residents that some police ranks have been involved in criminal activity in their villages.

Speaking at a meeting organised by the police at the Number 48 Primary School building on Tuesday, the parliamentarian noted that the visit of Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell to the Corentyne is an indication that the spike in crime has caught the attention of the police. He said people in Berbice do not trust certain police officers.

“We have to nip this problem in the bud to ensure that it does not escalate,” he told the gathering. Seeraj said that the commissioner should not take the reports from the residents lightly. Earlier, the commissioner mentioned that some members of the community who were making allegations against the police were under the influence of alcohol.

However, Seeraj noted that “where there is smoke, there is fire”. He said he had met with some of the residents and is convinced that there is some truth in some of the allegations against some members of the force.

According to Seeraj, Sunday’s protest was as a result of several incidents in the community voicing their calls for change at the station.

“There are reports of calls being made to the Number 51 Police Station and no one answering the phones.” He said most of the time this occurs when serious crimes are being committed. “There are reports that when you have petty crimes, the phone is answered and there is quick reaction.”

Seeraj said he had also met with the Chamber of Commerce and received the same information from them.

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