Security forces geared to ensure peace and order during election periods– Rohee

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee says the security forces are “geared” and “poised” to ensure the maintenance of peace and good order throughout the current campaign season, during and after the 2011 General and Regional elections.

“From a security standpoint the plans are in place, the personnel are geared up with the necessary standard operating procedures.

I would like to assure all Guyanese, including the private sector and investors, to rest assured that there will be a very high comfort level in respect of the atmosphere that will prevail in this country during this critical period,” Minister Rohee said.

Rohee explained that the joint services have all the necessary items, manpower and resources to deal with any issue or threats posed to the staging of a successful, peaceful and fair election this year. “They have the competencies, wherewithal, human resources and technology and therefore major glitches in the process are not envisaged”, the home affairs minister noted.

He is convinced there has been a significant culture change in the attitudes of Guyanese and their political parties following the staging of two successive peaceful elections.

“Listening to the key contenders, they are all speaking out against disruption of any type. I think we have reached a stage in our society where as far as elections are concerned, people recognise that there is no need to break up the country,” Rohee stated.

He opined that once the elections are deemed “free, transparent and fair”, Guyanese would accept the results and move on as a country. He envisaged that under these circumstances the victor would also be accepted and be allowed to govern the country with the support of the electorate.

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