Screaming for…


Ever since Christopher Lallbachan-Lalloo “Suspenders” Ram (L.L.S. Ram) was thrown out on his ear by the Stabber News for one of his intemperate outbursts against someone who got in his way, the fella’s been getting shriller and more strident trying to get attention. For people with identity and self-esteem issues, attention is like oxygen – they simply shrivel up and expire if they can’t get enough.

And with the issues Lalloo Ram has, he needs a whole lot of oxygen! He probably thought he’d be given a spot on the Muckraker’s roster – but then he doesn’t know Mook Lall. The Mook enjoyed being briefed by Lalloo – so he could carry on as if he knows what he’s talking about. So why would he pay Lalloo to expose that he’s never had an original thought in his head. Never. After all, there were tons of backtrackers and snitches before him. He just rose to the top of the heap – after quite a lot of practice.

Anyhow, Lalloo Ram’s gotten to be a regular pot salt with his blog. Blogs? Yes, anyone could scribble away to their heart’s content – and Lalloo’s certainly done that. But he’s really been scraping the barrel for subjects. His latest rant had to do with the Chancellor promptly asking a defrocked lawyer in another jurisdiction to resign as an Appellate Judge here. Ram thinks that’s not enough… he feels there ought to be a Commission of Inquiry into the matter!

He feels that Guyana needs a “more effective Judiciary”. With this decision of the Chancellor presumably showing the “ineffectiveness” of the said judiciary! Can you believe it?  Here it is – this junior lawyer who barely scraped through to get behind the Bar – trying to impress with his jejune and banal opinions. What we want to know is this: what kind of “due diligence” would’ve uncovered the kind of infraction for which the lawyer was cited for? (And let’s not forget the ruling can be appealed.) If the fella had been playing fast and loose with the canons of legal ethics (something completely foreign to Lalloo) over in England, wouldn’t their much more vigilant Bar have nipped him before?

Fact of the matter is that Lalloo Ram is so rabidly anxious to “get ahead”, he just can’t stop himself from pulling down any and every one of his betters, hoping he’ll be noticed.

But all he’s doing is exposing his irrelevance. Sick wanker!

…for cricket equity

There is a (cricket) God! There is no question about this after looking at what’s playing out in New Zealand. There it is – India, whose BCCI demanded that they be part of an upper tier in the ICC that could never be budged – on their knees before one of the minnows to which they thought they could just throw a few rupees to roll over and play dead.

In a match that few thought New Zealand could even salvage, Brendon McCullum is on the cusp of a triple century and India will have to do all in their power (which isn’t very noticeable nowadays) to avoid defeat. Even the 325 by which New Zealand is ahead right now, is beyond this Indian batting line-up. So what gives them the right to hog the top spot in the ICC? Their money? So cricket has come down to this? Money is power and cricketing skills are just a sideshow?

As your Eyewitness has said before, we believe the WICB exposed the yellow streak down their pusillanimous back when they went along with the iniquitous BCCI plan. We hope henceforth they’ll try to recapture some of the dignity our cricketing forebears earned with their blood, sweat, and tears.

…from Lincoln the Loud

Another fella desperately seeking some relevance is Lincoln (“economic genocide”) the Loud. Bereft of any labour following, he’s taken to offering gratuitous political advice in the letter columns.


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