Screaming child rescued from burning house


From left: Joycelyn, who resides in the lower flat of the home was at home, when the fire started. However, Veronica Griffith – being comforted by a male companion – who resided in the upper flat, was not at home at the time of the incident
From left: Joycelyn, who resides in the lower flat of the home was at home, when the fire started. However, Veronica Griffith – being comforted by a male companion – who resided in the upper flat, was not at home at the time of the incident

The piercing cries for help from a young girl trapped in the upper flat of a two-storey building alerted neighbours to the ravenous fire that was in the process of engulfing the house.

Disaster struck for an extended family, after a fire of unknown origin erupted in their home at Lot 87 Pere Street, Kitty, Georgetown, on Wednesday.

According to information received, the fire which started at about 14:00h, completely destroyed the upper-flat of the house while the bottom flat received very little fire damage.

One of the occupants of the home, Veronica Griffith, was not at home at the time of the incident but her granddaughter was in the building when the fire started. However, her sister, Joyclyn, who lives in the lower flat was at home at the time of the incident.

Speaking with this newspaper, a neighbour said he heard a child calling for help and upon investigating, he noticed smoke coming from the neighbouring house.

The house as it went up in flames
The house as it went up in flames

“We were home when we heard the little girl screaming, the TV was a bit loud and we turned it down and we went at the back and saw the smoke. Immediately we started pulling our clothes off the back line. I had a bed in the garbage so I removed the mattress and then I come in front and move my car. Then we went and start trying to out the fire,” Nigel Ramkellawan said.

Ramkellawan’s house was slightly scorched by the fierce fire.

Another resident, speaking under the condition of anonymity, related that she was cooking sweetmeats for Diwali celebrations when she noticed the smoke emanating from the house.

“I live right across the street. I was cooking my sweetmeats and something tell me look out the window and that’s when I see the fire. I turned off my stove and rushed out my house to see is what going on,” she stated.

Residents reported that the Guyana Fire Service (DFS) responded promptly to the call which resulted in the house being saved from total destruction.a

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