Scenes from the EPIC Savannah Drive media event

Last Sunday several media operatives were treated to the ultimate experience by the EPIC Savannah Drive team. The EPIC Savannah Drive, whose aim is to push the frontiers of local adventure tourism by providing an atmosphere where adventure meets adrenaline, returns today and last Sunday’s event was to display what is in store for the participants.
Shane D’Andrade founded the event and according to him the drive will be passing through four communities this year, namely Yarrowkabra, Laluni, Swan and Pakuri ( St. Cuthbert’s Mission).
This year marks the fifth annual Epic Savannah Drive and second year of collaboration with the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA). Mud drag racing, an obstacle course and archery are some of the organised side attractions but the communities themselves have an opportunity to showcase their craft products and cuisine.
The founder highlighted also that 40 per cent of the money garnered from registration will be divided among the four communities for sport development. This is yet another initiative being fostered through the drive to promote community development.
Though the drive will be one for the adventurers at heart to let their adrenaline run free, D’Andrade assured that the organising team will be taking all necessary precautions. There will be tour guides, mechanics, security and medical personnel accompanying the group. In the coming months, the Savannah drive crew will also be organising more trips to out-of-town and indigenous communities, particularly in September in observance of Indigenous People’s Heritage Month. (Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

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