Sattaur dispels rumours of resignation as head of revenue body

Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) Commissioner General Khurshid Sattaur on Tuesday dispelled rumours of his possible resignation from the entity he served for well over a decade. In an interview with Guyana Times International, Sattaur said, “I did not resign… I would only resign if I find that my continued work here would be an uncomfortable situation for me”.

GRA Commissioner General Khurshid Sattaur

He added that the move by some to make such a false statement represents “mischief propaganda”. Information received suggests that Sattaur tendered his resignation to the government late last year, but his resignation was rejected. When asked last Wednesday at the post Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President, Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon said he was unaware of GRA’s head resigning.

Dr Luncheon at the time was taken aback by the question, noting that “I must pay more attention to the spit press”. He said: “Wow!, I met Mr Sattaur officially, professionally, last Thursday or Friday, I must pay more attention to the spit press… but this is news to me, his resignation. The governing board is chaired by the chief planning officer, Clive Roopchan, Gail Teixeira probably represented here that the life of the governing board was extended until March so he is there, sitting there, I have not been advised by him, or Mr Sattaur about this resignation that you are speaking off, it would be out of the blue.”

Some five minutes after that media briefing last Wednesday, Sattaur was seen entering the Office of the President. However, Sattaur told this publication that there are only two reasons that would cause him to resign from his post as commissioner general, namely, his feeling “uncomfortable” or the government of the day being “very uncomfortable with me”. He explained that he has been serving as commissioner general for eight years, and thus far has had no reason to contemplate resigning.

The commissioner general said he upholds his ethics as a professional person, and so there is no reason for him to resign. He noted that former President Bharrat Jagdeo had expressed satisfaction with his performance as head of GRA, while noting that President Donald Ramotar has also expressed much confidence in him.

Sattaur said he is happy to have been part of the process to transform Guyana, noting that he will continue to work hard to ensure that the country’s revenue is in safe hands.

He continued: “I have delivered and enjoyed the confidence of these administrations, so I don’t know where this is coming from. It is sad to know that people are now using this kind of mischief propaganda to maybe taint my image or reputation. I don’t think that they will succeed because I am strong in my belief that I have a job to do, and I would do it to the best of my ability.”

Sattaur has served as commissioner general for eight years, and prior to being commissioner general, he worked as commissioner of the Inland Revenue Authority for 10 years.

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