Sasenarine Singh should stay clear of criticism of the PPP/C, since he clearly lacks the moral fortitude to do so

Dear Editor,

Reference is made to recent letters published in the media and purportedly written by one Sasenarine Singh. In his letters, he speaks about the cries of Guyana’s children, especially those abused and assaulted.

He blamed this on the PPP/C and labelled the party and government as uncaring.

It is important to note that, while it is acknowledged that Sasenarine Singh and any other Guyanese is free to express themselves and share their views in a public space, at the same time they should not be allowed to distort the facts and disseminate half- truths.

First of all, this man and his other cohorts, who are just trying to gain political mileage for the AFC or whichever party he claims to represent, needs to come back to earth and stop writing from space. The fact is that everyone knows that sexual assault against children — and generally, sexual abuse — exists in all parts of the world, and long before the PPP took office. The actual fact is that, after the PPP/C took office, society became more aware of these issues via education by the government and the media. The countless initiatives and policies instituted by the PPP/C government are also responsible for many of the perpetrators of these acts being brought before the legal system; this has resulted in Guyana being the Caribbean and Latin American leader on Child Protection policies.

Singh, like Khemraj Ramjattan, is so out of touch and blinded by his ignorance that he cannot see that these are issues which are receiving worldwide attention, particularly by the United Nations bodies; he yet argues non-issues, and always misrepresents the facts. It is my advice to Sasenarine Singh and his cohorts that they stay clear of any comments/ criticisms of the PPP/C, since they clearly lack moral fortitude.


Todd Morgan

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