Sarwan, Kissoon resign from WIPA board

Former West Indies captain, Ramnaresh Sarwan, and Director, Dave Kissoon, have resigned from their positions on the West Indies Players Association (WIPA) board.
The announcement was made on Sunday, via a press release from WIPA. Below is the full text of the release.
“WIPA wishes to announce the resignation of Mr. Ramnaresh Sarwan from its executive. Mr. Sarwan was a member of WIPA’s Executive from 2008 to the date of his resignation on October 23rd, 2012. At the same time WIPA also announces that Mr. Dave Kissoon, who joined WIPA as an appointed Director in November 2010, has also tendered his resignation.
WIPA wishes to place on record their sincere thanks to both gentlemen for their contribution to the organization, and to wish them well in all of their future endeavours.
WIPA CEO, Michael Hall, commenting on the resignations said: “Both Ramnaresh and Davehave in their own ways contributed to WIPA’s progress. We certainly wish Ramnaresh all the very best in his future cricket career as we are certain that he still has a great deal to contribute to West Indies cricket.
We are also grateful for Dave’s service to WIPA in his two years as a Director, and hope that his future career is also highly successful.”
WIPA’s next AGM is scheduled for January 2013, at which time the vacant positions will be filled.

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