Salvation Army launches Christmas appeal

– President Ramotar makes first donation

President Donald Ramotar on Friday made the very first contribution to Salvation Army’s Christmas Appeal at its launching.
While delivering the feature address at the event at the Georgetown Club, he acknowledged the tremendous work being done by the Salvation Army in assisting the less fortunate.
He said the fact that the institution is working so tirelessly and energetically to help people is gratifying.
The president stated that the Salvation Army’s contribution is significant to the country’s development.
The president recognised the presence of several influential persons at the event and said he was pleased to see this, as it shows that the country has people with a strong social conscience and people who have done well but have not forgotten the less fortunate in society.
He added that he hopes the business community would help to support the institution in a broader way. President Ramotar, who received a yearbook and bells from the charitable organisation, stated that he thinks it is important for people to have compassion and to be sensitive to the less fortunate.
Meanwhile, Salvation Army Advisory Board Chairman Edward Boyer said people from all walks of life enter the Salvation Army Rehab programme and get a second chance at life. He noted that the institution needs more help to expand the current programme and to establish a female programme.

President Donald Ramotar with officials of the Salvation Army at the launch of the organisation’s annual Christmas appeal

“The female programme is something we’re looking at to start; we’re hoping we would have started that programme. In 2012, we had started the programme, but it was not fully approved by The Salvation Army in terms of the logistics, so we stopped the programme and we’re hoping to look at in the coming year,” he said.

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