Sai Baba organisation serves needy in Guyana

Members of the Sai Organisation of Guyana serving the needy in Georgetown
Members of the Sai Organisation of Guyana serving the needy in Georgetown

The Sri Sathya Sai Baba Organisation worldwide recently celebrated Avatar Declaration Day with a global service project “Serve the Planet”.

According to a release, this year the objective was to feed the poor, and devotees from around the world participated in this beautiful tribute to the beloved swami.

“It was on this day in the year 1940, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, in His infinite love and compassion, declared to the world that He is the avatar who has come for the redemption of mankind. By holding onto His feet and practising His teachings, we will reach the summum bonum of life,” the organisation said.

Members and devotees of The Sai Organisation of Guyana also participated in this global service project, and in following one of the basic teachings of the swami, they served needy brothers and sisters all over Guyana with the feeling of it is not “I” or “Us”, but really the Swami (God) in us serving the Swami (God) in fellow brothers and sisters.

“We express our gratitude to Bhagawan (God) for allowing us the opportunity to participate in this wonderful project ‘Serve the Planet’ and serve the Swami (God) within man. Sai Baba emphasises that giving food to the hungry is among the most noble and sacred of charitable actions.


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