Rupununi stages 13th expo

Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai (third left), Guyana Tourism Authority Director Indranauth Haralsingh (fourth left) and Regional Executive Officer Claire Singh (right) at the launch of Rupununi Expo 2013
Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai (third left), Guyana Tourism Authority Director Indranauth Haralsingh (fourth left) and Regional Executive Officer Claire Singh (right) at the launch of Rupununi Expo 2013

Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai has commended the private sector and other stakeholders for their support in fostering the continuous development of Rupununi, Region Nine.

Speaking at the opening at the 13th Rupununi Exposition on November 30, the minister said, “More and more, every year the RCCI (Rupununi Chambers of Commerce and Industry) has continued to put quite a lot of effort to ensure business opportunities and the potential of the Rupununi and Region Nine”.

She said it was important to recognise such contributions since it is the stakeholders in the region who must, and have been taking up the mantle of leadership in moving the region to a greater level.

In addition to identifying the RCCI’s role in promoting the region, the minister also praised the financial sector for its support, more so the banks for recognising the potential for economic activities and opening branches in the region.

“Those are the initiatives which are evidence there is some level of confidence that the Rupununi has great economic potential, and more so, the government continues to support that view, continues to invest in making the environment, to take away some of the challenges to the economy of the region,” she noted.

She spoke of government’s investments in the sectors such as water, electricity and roads that interface with the efforts of the private sector in the region.

She also alluded to the continued impact of the exposition that is annually facilitated by the RCCI with support from the Tourism, Industry and Commerce Ministry. She pointed out too that “more and more items that are exhibited at the expo are generally from the Amerindian villages”.

For this reason, the expo is critical since it provides a platform whereby small producers, (from the Amerindian communities) launch or gain new markets for their produce.

Meanwhile, Guyana Tourism Authority Director Indranauth Haralsingh also praised the RCCI and other stakeholders for their continuous annual successful execution of the expo.

Haralsingh noted that the Rupununi is “the heart of Guyana’s tourism product” and has brought about a lot of recognition for Guyana.

The Rupununi Expo affords Region Nine residents the opportunity to witness the creativity of the region, through showcasing its people’s culture, craft and food.


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