Rupununi for your 2016 adventure

Explore Moco Moco, a village located in the Rupununi, rich traditions (Photo by Matt Hallett)
Explore Moco Moco, a village located in the Rupununi, rich traditions (Photo by Matt Hallett)

The beauty of the Rupununi is vast, unique, fabled and celebrated in arts and literature.

Rupununi, in Region Nine, derives its name from the Rupununi River which runs from the south savannahs, north and eastward where it meets the Essequibo River. The Rupununi River and its tributaries are the mainstay of life for more than 14,000 indigenous people, mainly Makushi and Wapishana, who live in the area.

Discover Rupununi’s magic while visiting the golden savannahs, which melt into deep, green forests, lined with silver creeks. Cattle, cashew nuts, peanuts, cassava and casareep are some of the products from the Rupununi waiting to be enjoyed. English, Makushi, Wapishana and Portuguese are the languages spoken by its inhabitants.

What makes the Rupununi special is the sweet, scented air, endless horizon and beautiful vistas; the wonderful hospitality and culture of the people, and the breath-taking beauty of the landscape. It is also the land of giants: anteaters, otters, river turtles, giant fish (Arapaima) and Black Caiman. There are also numerous pristine locations to explore.

For a journey of a lifetime witnessing rich culture and biodiversity, ensure the Rupununi is on your 2016 adventure list. (Photos by Rupununi Learners Inc.) (Cover photo: The serenity of ‘El Dorado’ located in Yupukari, Quatata in Region Nine)

The serenity of 'El Dorado' located in Yupukari, Quatata, Region Nine
The serenity of ‘El Dorado’ located in Yupukari, Quatata, Region Nine
The Maparri wilderness of the Rupununi boasts pristine rainforest waiting to be explored
The Maparri wilderness of the Rupununi boasts pristine rainforest waiting to be explored
Scenic Nappi village in Region Nine
Scenic Nappi village in Region Nine
Enjoy a relaxing stay at the Caiman Guest House located in Yupukari, Rupununi
Enjoy a relaxing stay at the Caiman Guest House located in Yupukari, Rupununi
One of the most scenic places in the Rupununi is Kamarapa Creek (Photo by Matt Hallett)
One of the most scenic places in the Rupununi is Kamarapa Creek (Photo by Matt Hallett)

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