Rupununi flood victims to get cash compensation – Dr Luncheon

Government is to implement a financial household support initiative to assist the hundreds of families affected by the historical Rupununi floods.

This is according to Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon who said the intervention will have a similar format to that of the massive 2005 Great Floods. The particulars have not yet been worked out as Cabinet is still analysing the information as compiled by the Civil Defence Commission, Dr Luncheon explained. “We are all preoccupied with the short- term disaster relief responses.”

He is adamant that given government’s commitment of being in it for the “long haul” the Financial Household Support Project will be transitioned in a timely manner. Similarly, Dr Luncheon believes that the agricultural intervention will best serve those in need if it is rolled out later. “Funds have been identified, resources have been put in place for whenever it is judged opportune those interventions in the agriculture sector to be made,” the cabinet secretary stated.

According to him, much of the supplies such as seeds to replant damaged crops have been stockpiled, but delivery now may be useless given the uncertainty with the weather. “Cabinet also authorised expenditure being met for the other associated measures in the case of the seasonal flooding,” Dr Luncheon revealed.

Meanwhile, it was revealed that government has also done the assessment and relevant response to affected communities in Regions Six and Ten. Dr Luncheon said the CDC and the extension services of the Agriculture Ministry such as the National Agricultural and Research Extension Institute have been in all three affected regions.

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