Running out…

…of (2020) time

Basil Williams, Chairman of the PNC – who, not coincidentally, also just happens to be the “losing-est” Attorney General in the history of Guyana – just concluded a “seminar” of SOCU and FIU hirelings by berating them they’d better get some convictions – by any means necessary! While Williams isn’t the brightest bulb in any room – much less one with lawyers! – it’s clear some of his cases thrown out were brought because of his PNC hat.
After three years in office, even the die-hard faithful are wondering what happened to the “billions and billions” the PNC and AFC swore the PPP had pilfered from the treasury. With 2020 looming perilously close, the PNC’s desperate that with no convictions those supporters will be convinced they were taken for a ride with the PNC just throwing shade! Or – which is worse – implicitly concede if the PPP did thief all that money, they’re so smart, the PNC’s left holding the bag!! The PPP ends up heroes – like Clooney and his gang in Oceans 11!!
Another problem iWilliamss he and his PNC cohorts are so desperate politically, they just can’t think straight. Take the charge of “misconduct” SOCU’s filed against ex-Finance Minister Ashni Singh and ex-NICIL Head Brassington. Here it is, the PNC’s telling their supporters they want to get back the money the state of Guyana supposedly lost because the two officials sold the three plots of land waaaay below market value.
But why bring a CRIMINAL charge if you want Guyana to get back the money it supposedly lost? The penalty for “misconduct in public office” is a life sentence!! Wouldn’t it have been better to bring the charge as a CIVIL matter where the burden of proof is much lower AND THE MONEY LOST TO THE STATE CAN BE fully RECOVERED with a penality thrown in for good measure!!!!? If Williams were familiar with even first year law, he’d know just recently, in the Belizean case of “Marin’, the CCJ affirmed the standing of Attorney Generals to file the TORT of misfeasance in public officials. Here the facts also involved supposedely undervalued land.
But this has nothing to do with getting justice for Guyana, does it? It’s all about conducting a vendetta against the PPP – PNC’s political enemy by their reckoning. If you can’t “Hang ‘em high” then jail them for life!! It’s of more than passing interest that the Court in Marin considered the possibility of political vendettas, knowing our local political climate. But we knew where the PNC was going from the beginning, didn’t we?
It’s why SARA – the State Assets Recovery Agency – wasn’t used but SOCU – Special ORGANISED CRIME Unit!!
…of lipstick for Burnham
Granger’s gone into overdrive to redeem the “legacy” of Burnham he’s sworn to continue. You have to give the man credit – he’s even given over his only begotten house to the “Burnham Foundation”- run by Vincent Alexander, who’s charge of that project. But with Burnham’s legacy in tatters by every possible measure, Alexander’s been forced to fudge history to find something redeeming.
So, after cussing out the PPP for the past sixty years, on behalf of the PNC, Alexander claims Burnham was a “co-founder” of the PPP!! Guess they can’t deny the PPP its historic role of being the party that fought for independence, so they might as well claim it. But if you’re going to lie, we can’t understand why Alexander doesn’t take a page from the Trump Playbook and tell some real whoppers. Like Burnham was the sole founder of the PPP!!
After all, at the age of 12 he’d already declared he was going to be the leader of an independent Guyana – so there!!
Jagan’s vow at Enmore was 16 years later!!
…of (economic) wiggle room
Just when Jordan promised the economy would “rebound” from its abysmal 2.1% 2017 growth grawl, comes news that Rusal has to curtail bauxite production.
He’s a real jinx!!

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