Rum Jhaat get a blow and he whistle

Flo Rida sing a song name “Whistle”. Rum Jhaat fall in love wid that song since he hear it de first time. Not because he like de music. But because he like de part that Flo Rida sing bout blowin and whistlin. But Rum Jhaat get a blow and he start whistlin right away.
Since then, Rum Jhaat blowin and whistlin all de time. Not plenty people does get to blow and whistle at Rum Jhaat age. So Rum Jhaat is a lucky man, especially when yuh lookin like he, and especially when yuh does dribble a lot when yuh blowin and whistlin, like he.
A bank employee call Rum Jhaat and blow he wid some ting and mek he feel nice. Rum Jhaat turn around and blow Mook Lall and Baddamn wid de same ting and both of them feel nice. De three of them decide fuh blow one another wid de same ting and all of them feel even nicer. Dem feel so nice after blowin one another that dem decide fuh whistle bout it in de Kocheur mud paper.
When de story buss out, de bank boss call de Kocheur mud paper and blow them apart fuh whistlin lies. Mook Lall and Baddamn try to blow back Rum Jhaat fuh blowin dem in de first place. But Rum Jhaat didn’t want that kinda blowin. Rum Jhaat seh he gon blow back de bank employee instead.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! De real problem is that Rum Jhaat always want fuh blow Winston, but Winston too smart and he ain’t tekkin no blowin from Rum Jhaat! And after Rum Jhaat couldn’t blow Winston alone, he try fuh blow Winston and Keith at de same time!

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