Rotary Int’l in fight to eradicate polio

…Rotary Club of Demerara installs new president

The Rotary International organisation has teamed up with various countries to help with the eradication of polio. This was

Newly-installed President Osbert James with other members after  he delivered his speech at the installation ceremony
Newly-installed President Osbert James with other members after he delivered his speech at the installation ceremony

announced by Assistant District Governor (ADG) KA Juman Yassin during the Rotary Club of Demerara installation ceremony for the new executive Tuesday evening.

“Guyana has won the fight against polio and we should now work towards helping other countries with this,” he said.

In highlighting the work of the local Rotary Clubs and their affiliates, he noted that the University of Guyana’s Rotary club won the Rotary International prize for Latin American countries’ humanitarian projects. The members set up a weekly literacy programme in Victoria on the East Coast of Demerara, under which they taught and mentored students for the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) this year.

“We work towards increasing humanitarian services, enhancing public image – we must let the public know what we are doing, the things we do should not be hidden: we need society to know what we are doing to assist with development, leadership role, integrity, diversity, fellowship, supporting and strengthening,” he stated in underlining the strategic plan of the organisation.

Build on strong foundation

Juman Yassin charged Osbert James, the new president, to take the club in a positive new direction and to build upon the already firm foundation of the group.

James, a long-standing member of the Rotary family, will lead the group for one year.

Speaking at the event held at the Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, the newly ordained president said he was honoured to have been given the opportunity to take the group forward, and to be entrusted with the mandate to lead the board and members of the dynamic club.

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