Ronald Webster served Guyana well

Dear Editor,

The Alliance For Change expresses deep regret at the sudden passing of former Chairman of the Private Sector Commission, Mr Ronald Webster.

Ron as he was fondly known had an extensive career of service to Guyana for more than five decades that ranged from his early days with the then Bookers which preceded GuySuCo, at DDL, at Seals and Packaging Limited, SAPIL and most recently at Caribbean Containers Limited.

The AFC recognises his distinguished career dedicated to contributing to the development of Guyana through the many non-governmental and service organisations, which he was a part of. Most recently this was highlighted in his role as Chairman of the Private Sector Commission and his commitment to assisting on behalf of the PSC, in negotiating positions of compromise between Government and the Opposition parties on contentious issues.

The Alliance For Change expresses condolences to his family, members of his staff at Caribbean Containers Ltd and to the members of the Private Sector Commission.

Respectfully submitted


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