Rohee warns of attempts to interfere with democratic process

…says “too much at stake”

PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee
PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee

People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary Clement Rohee told a mammoth gathering at Stewartville, West Coast Demerara on Sunday that all efforts will be employed to prevent any attempts to subvert or interfere with the democratic process.

This declaration comes less than two weeks before Guyanese go to the polls. “We want to warn them that any attempt to subvert the democratic process, any attempt to upset the polls on Polling Day, we will rebuff, we will upset any attempt by them…,” Rohee warned.

He noted that there was simply too much at stake to allow any lapses to occur on that day.

“Too many gains have been won and we do not want to lose those gains,” Rohee told the massive crowd of supporters as he indicated his worry that the People’s National Congress (PNC)-led A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition will once again try to interfere with free and fair elections.

These concerns come in light of the fact that the PNC’s past is tainted with the constant rigging of elections. Leader of the coalition, David Granger had expressed his suspicions that the voters’ list was “dirty” on the grounds that it has increased by more than 100,000 when statistics show that the population in Guyana has been dropping over the years.

“Do not take things for granted. Do not be complacent. The List has suddenly gone up by 100,000 to 567,000. Keep your eyes open. We do not believe in that,” he had declared.

Bring it home

But PPP/Civic officials have warned that this allegation was merely an attempt to make an excuse for the alliance’s defeat in the event it lost the election.

Meanwhile, Rohee alerted the entire Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) to pour their “blood, sweat and tears” into bringing home another victory for the PPP/C.

“We have to work every single day to ensure that Donald Ramotar and Elisabeth Harper are elected to office…We are impressed by this fantastic and magnificent turnout, but you must go to every door, street, village and transfer this energy that will lead us to victory on May 11,” he encouraged.

Rohee told the supporters that Guyana has returned to an era where the two powerful forces in the country were at war with each other, the PPP/C and the PNC, where there was a “fight between good and evil” and they have the power to ensure there was an astounding triumph of good over evil at the polls.

“We will fight this battle with the ballots in our hands…Every single ballot is a weapon in your hands to fight the PNC…We have the people and the people are our strength,” he charged.

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