Richmond Hill-South Ozone Park Lions Club celebrates first anniversary

IMG_2761Last Sunday (November 10, 2013), saw the members of the Richmond Hill-South Ozone Park Lions Club present a sparkling first anniversary celebratory function at the elegant Villa Russo Catering Hall on 101-12 Lefferts Blvd. in Richmond Hill.

Billed as the club’s first year of service celebration, the event attracted over 150 enthusiastic members and supporters, including several senior Lions from other Districts and prominent residents of Richmond Hill/South Ozone Park.

The Richmond Hill-South Ozone Park Lions Club (RHSOP) was chartered as the 78th Club of Lions District 20K-1 just about a year ago with its executive committee headed by Lion Romeo Hitlall as the first President. The Club then set about on a busy schedule of service to the community.  The list of activities included visits to senior homes to bring cheer to the residents, cleanup of Smokey Park, actively participating in relief efforts for victims of Hurricane Sandy, book collection for the needy etc. However, the Club’s record-breaking achievement was the establishment and charter of its Leo Club during its first year in existence. Most clubs launch a Leo Club, if they do, several years after being chartered.

The function got underway with a brief but impressive opening ceremony led by the NYC Ceremonial Unit’s presentation of the colors, followed by the National Anthem. Greetings and congratulatory remarks were presented by the District Governor of Lions District 20K-1, Lion Barbara Moody, Lion Gloria Askew, Past Council Chair and Past District Governor of District 20K-1, Immediate Past District Governor Lion Clarence R. A. Higgins, NYC Assembly Member Phillip Goldfeder, Commanding Officer of the 106th Precinct Deputy Inspector Schiff. Zone Chair Lion Audrey Doorn, who was very instrumental in the establishment of the Leo Club spoke glowingly of the new Leos and expressed her admiration for the RHSOP Lions who dared to launch a Leo Club so early in their own existence.

The Leos, smartly attired and beaming with pride at the achievements of their parent Club, took center stage to register their support and made a presentation to Leo Advisor and 2nd Vice President, Lion Carolina Soto for all her hard work in guiding them along to this stage.

The Club also recognized and thanked Mr. George Russo for his help and support over the past year and presented him with the prestigious Lion recognition award, the Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award.

After the ceremonies, the guests were treated to the rhythmic Indo-Caribbean sounds of Tassa Drumming by the Amman Tassa Group, whose members received a well-deserved citation from State Senator Joseph Addabo for their community service.

Entertainment and music for dancing was presented by the Soundextreme DJ system. It was an excellent program presented by the Lions and Leos of the Richmond Hill-South Ozone Park Lions Club!


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