Rich thinking

Satiricus had never been a rich man, but he never really minded. He figured he had enough to worry about his blood pressure going up and down, so why add whether his stocks were going up or down? But sometimes, he would wonder idly how rich people thought about things. Well, now he would know.
Courtesy of his wife’s niece, the maid, Satiricus had in his hot little hands the diary of Tuney Voira, whose father had to have known he had a future in television. Why else would he give him a name that produced the initials “TV”? Satiricus opened the diary to the latest entry….
Dear Diary,
Oh Lawd… I in big trouble, Dear Diary. Is what I gon do? I used to be a big man when I was a big manager on the old man sugar estate. I used to ride around on a horse. I always suspect Burnham nationalise the estate because he want only he to ride horse around the place.
TV station. I could do that because the old man was close to Burnham. Nobody else but Burnham lawyer could go into TV. We made millions by thiefing TV signals and re- broadcasting it. I named my station after myself, so everybody gon know me, Mr TV. I HAD MONEY! MONEYI MONEY! But then that blasted Short Man jump into the TV business as soon as my PNC friends lost power. Me and my friends laugh like hell when he start to put death announcements over TV… what a ‘country coolie’, we said.
Especially when he only playing all them ‘coolie’ movies.
But then I start to lose money. The Short Man started to get all the advertisements. Can you believe how low-class Guyanese people can be? I became broke… it wasn’t easy when I had to beg people for a raise. I NEEDED MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! So I had to sell the TV station and all my property. I got five million US. I HAD MONEY!!!! The Ranrook man paid me right away. But then I went to Florida and I pi55ed it all away. I guess I don’t have a head for business, Dear Diary. Short Man smarter than me and White Man smarter than me. My father always used to say my head was hard. I NEEDED MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! So I came back to Guyana to catch me hand. And I couldn’t believe how well my old station was doing.
I tell you, I jealous too bad. I WANTED SOME OF THAT MONEY!!! Then I hear Ranrook gon get the radio station that I tried to get with a court case. He sent me all the money he get from the court. But I want more. I tell he to sue the government for damages and give it to me. Is only money from the people pocket. It better if it come in my pocket…. even though it look like my pocket got hole. I WANT MONEY!! MONEY!!! MONEY!!!!

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