Rice exports earn US$117M as at October 2010

Guyana has earned more thanUS$117millionin receipts from rice exportsas at October 2010,even as harvesting ofthis year’s second crop is81.9 per cent complete.This amount has surpassedthe 2009 earningsfrom rice exports.According to information emanating from theAgriculture Ministry,157,234 metric tonnes(mt) of rice were exportedfrom the first crop;while, 106,306 metric tonnes have so far beenexported from the secondcrop. Total exports as atOctober 2010 stand at263,270 metric tonnes,compared to overall exportsof 260,815 mt for2009.The first crop exportshave been valuedat US$68,568,947; while the second crop exportsthus far have been valuedat US$48,550,074.The rice industryhas thus far earnedUS$117,119,021, a significantincrease overlast year’s export earningsof US$114,120,323.The 2010 first croprice production has beenpegged at 168,793 mt;while second crop productionthus far standsat 157,799 mt. So far,the total rice producedfor both crops amount to326,595 metric tonnes.The total amountproduced for 2009 was359,789 mt.Despite the effectsof the El Niño weatherphenomenon, which occurredearlier this year,63,809 hectares weresown for the first crop,and 71,713 hectareswere sown for the secondcrop of 2010. Thismeans that a total of135,522 hectares of landwere cultivated for 2010;while the amount of landplaced under cultivationfor 2009 was 130,080hectares.The increase in riceproduction and exportsfor 2010 is largelycredited to the newVenezuelan rice deal,which has consumed a large percentage of therice produced by farmers;and the Jamaican market. These are welcome markets, and they ensure farmers receive premium prices while,at the same time, facilitatingtimely payments.For October, 2010,some 6,712 metric tonnesof rice were exportedto Jamaica; and for theyear, thus far, exports toJamaica stand at 44,071mt. Because of the securenature of the marketsand the existenceof fewer obstacles, farmersplanted more ricethis year, AgricultureMinister Robert Persaudhas been quoted as sayingrecently.The only losses experiencedwere due tothe El Niño dry weatherspell and minor floodingin some parts of RegionThree. However, thoselosses were not significantenough to impactthe 2010 rice production target.

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