“Return ‘home’ and see for yourselves the level of progress”

– Ramotar encourages Guyanese living in Florida

Guyana’s president Donald Ramotar
Guyana’s president Donald Ramotar

Some 400 Guyanese gathered last Saturday in South Florida for an evening of cultural entertainment, traditional cuisine and congratulatory messages as they celebrated the 44th anniversary of their homeland becoming a Republic.

The celebration, held at the Walter C Young Performing Arts Centre, was particularly special as the event was graced by Guyana’s Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett along with her Barbados counterpart, Senator Maxine Mc Clean.

Following a sumptuous dinner of cook-up rice and curry and roti ‘washed down with good old Guyana El Dorado and XM rums’, patrons heard tributes paid to their homeland from a host of officials, including the Barbados Foreign Minister, Florida State representative Hazell Rogers, Broward County Commissioner Dale Holness, Lauderdale Lakes Mayor Barrington Russell and Miramar Vice Mayor Alexandria Davis as well as the Consul General of St Lucia, Kent Hippolyte, Dean of the Caricom Consular Corps.

The feature address was delivered by Minister Rodrigues-Birkett, who brought the audience up to date with developments in Guyana and with Guyana’s relationships with Caricom and with the U.S.

In outlining developments in Guyana, Minister Rodrigues-Birkett, said: “I don’t believe there are any differences among the parliamentary parties as to where we need to take Guyana. The difference is how we want to get there.”

The Minister acknowledged the contributions which Guyanese in the diaspora make to their homeland and their sense of patriotism. “I wish to commend you for keeping the spirit of Guyana alive in Florida and for continuing to strive with us at home to uphold our motto of ‘One People, One Nation, One Destiny.’”

In his message published in the souvenir journal, President Donald Ramotar said that becoming a Republic has “defined us as a nation and shaped our cultural identity as a people”.

Visit Guyana

“I want to say to all that great things are happening in Guyana. You have to see it to believe it! I therefore want to encourage all the Guyanese who reside in Florida to come back home and see for yourself the progress that is being made and to examine how you can be an integral part of taking our country to even greater heights in the future,” the president said.

The diverse cultural entertainment featured Terry Gajraj, Winston Duggin, Harold Caribbean, The Tempets, dance and drumming ensemble with roots from Buxton and The Jaya Devi Dance Company with dances by Shameeza Roshanali, Rehan Ally, Leena Ally, IIlcia Dow, Varuna Ramersaud Singh, Ashley Dindial, Alana Resaul, Hannesa Ramnarine and Kayla Dean.

The event was put together by a committee headed by Wesley Kirton and included Leslie Latchmansingh, Tina Beharry and Larry London. In welcoming guests to the event, Kirton explained that “this is not a fundraiser per se, but surplus funds from last year’s celebration helped finance the participation of a University of Guyana law student in an important workshop in Washington, DC as well as support the work of the Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Centre”.

The event was sponsored by Laparkan Trading, CGX Energy Inc, Dipcon Engineering, MACORP, Seafreight Agencies, Caribbean Airlines, NEW Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (Limacol), Demerara Distillers, Hab International, Suriname Airways, Banks DIH Limited,  Harry Rambarran and Family, Trans Caribbean Shipping and the Foreign Affairs and Tourism Ministries.


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