Response to David Hinds’s call for boycott

Dear Editor,

I reject and condemn unequivocally the call of Dr David Hinds, a representative of the African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) and a political activist, to boycott the launch of the government’s programme celebrating the proclamation by the United Nations (by virtue of UN Resolution N Res 64/169) that 2011 be designated the “International Year for People of African Descent”. 

Context is always important. In August, 2010, David Hinds had called for Buxtonians to refuse an invitation to the reception in honour of Buxtonians held by President Jagdeo at State House. He had also called for Buxtonians to reject President Jagdeo’s visit to Buxton on August 18, 2010. 

On both occasions, the vast majority of Guyanese (especially Buxtonians) answered a call for refusal and rejection, that is, they refused and rejected the calls of David Hinds and retorted by words and by deeds: we, the vast majority of Guyanese of all race, creed, religions, ages and sex, are committed and yearning to work together in the interest of the common national development objective. 

We have seen, heard or read about our past and we know what the future can be like. What we also know in our hearts and souls is that the only way we can harness our potential as a nation is if we work together.

For too long, the unwanted leadership of David Hinds and his like has nurtured the disease of virulence and acrimony for their self-centred and self-interested political motivations. Their voices for division and disunity are the voices of evil and regression.  

The people give politicians their strength. In the past, we have seen some politicians use race as a force for division in order to satisfy their personal and political gains. Today, we discern similar actions in the call for a boycott of the launch of an event for Guyanese of all races to celebrate African Guyanese culture. The vast majority of Guyanese have recently rejected the divisive and regressive calls of David Hinds and his like. We must do so forevermore.   


Charles S Ramson Esq

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