Remembering the message

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo on Sunday told supporters of the PPP/C gathered at the party’s mammoth Stewartville rally that they must be vigilant and very observant on May 11 when thousands of Guyanese move to the polls to cast their ballots.

Jagdeo, speaking from various political platforms over the past month, has stressed the importance of PPP/C supporters not becoming complacent ahead of, and on elections day. He has been encouraging them to do all that is necessary to ensure that they vote, along with every eligible member of their families and communities.

He has also spent much time on the platform reminding citizens of the hardships endured by their foreparents in their seemingly never ending fight for freedom, equality and democracy.

He has called out PNC-led APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger and ex-PPP/C Executive Moses Nagamootoo to account for their track records, which he pointed out that this bares the true nature of both men, and the gist of their characters.

Jagdeo himself has had to respond to questions about some of the decisions he made while serving as Guyana’s President. On the campaign trail, he appears brutally frank about the realities in which Guyanese live now compared to the period of PNC rule.

He has highlighted weaknesses and inconsistencies in the policies articulated by what appears to be a desperate Opposition anxious to garner votes ahead of the elections.

In other words, Jagdeo has placed the Opposition on the back foot, forcing them to develop a new strategy of campaigning that focuses on policies, plans and issues, as well as their many missteps over the past three years, rather than attacking the personalities within the PPP/C’s leadership.

But his most important message is being decoded by thousands of Guyanese and while some may not have made up their minds to speak with their ballots in favour of the PPP/C, they have understood that the choices they make come May 11 will impact the future of this country for decades to come.

Jagdeo’s style and presentation has been so effective against an ailing Opposition and aging  APNU+AFC Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates that the messages they are repeating appear to be exposing their uncertainties about their own political future and career after the May 11 polls.

The other leaders in the Opposition know that it would be foolish to enter a debate with Jagdeo and win especially given the lack of progress and accomplishments made in the 10th Parliament which was deliberately frustrated by an opportunistic and selfish Opposition agenda, which stalled Guyana’s overall progress and development.

But Jagdeo has given President Ramotar’s bid to be reelected a massive boost energizing support at the grass roots levels of the PPP/C and causing a massive remigration of original PPP/C supporters back to their home.

In other words, Jagdeo and Ramotar together have weakened the AFC’s grip on thousands of PPP/C supporters who felt that the AFC represented change and hope, but are currently feeling betrayed because of its decision to coalesce with APNU.

Additionally, Elisabeth Harper has successfully avoided muddying her image by becoming engaged in the traditional nature of politics which has been crass, dominated by ‘cuss’ outs, personal attacks, below the belt punches and a culture of scandals egged on and manufactured by sections of the media.

Her deportment and commitment to a specific agenda has earned her the respect of many women and conservatives who do not believe that the country’s PM should be vile, bitter, revengeful and a political attack-dog.

The long and short of it, is that Jagdeo has been a very skillful messenger for the PPP/C and has spoken directly to the soft spots of its support base. He has connected in both an emotional and political way with supporters and the results of his hardcore campaigning and trust he has placed in Ramotar would be known on E-day.

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