Relatives blame each other for young couple’s murder/ suicide

Twenty-four-year-old Vijay Arjune called “Kevin” of Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara, who allegedly shot his pregnant teenage fiancée then took his own life last Thursday evening, might have premeditated the act.
Dhanwantie Raghoo, eldest sister of the now dead Parbattie Raghoo called “Priya”, told this newspaper that she accompanied the couple to Suriname where they were supposed to spend two days, but instead they spent eight. During the trip, she added that he treated both of them with a lot of love but more importantly, he confided in her about his problems with his mother, who was not too keen on the relationship. He reportedly told her that he was fearful of losing Priya since he loved her sincerely.

Vijay “Kevin” Arjune and Parbattie “Priya” Raghoo in happier times
Vijay “Kevin” Arjune and Parbattie “Priya” Raghoo in happier times

Arjune, she added, told her that his mother was never in favour of the girl he chose to become his wife and would always create a rift between them. Days before they departed for Suriname, Raghoo said that he was happy upon receiving the news that her sister was pregnant with his child. While he was elated, his mother did not share his joys and started to ridicule him about the relationship. This was the reason for him planning the trip to Suriname.
The now dead auto electrician reportedly withdrew all his money from his bank account with the hope of having a grand time. She explained that while they were returning from Suriname, Arjune threatened to kill her sister and then himself, but she did not take it for granted. In addition, he started to talk about funeral homes and arrangements.
While they did not take him seriously, they laughed off the “talks” as jokes but it turned out to be serious.
At the house of the dead man, his mother Babita Persaud told this newspaper that the last time she saw her son alive was Friday morning when he left the home after telling her that he wanted to spend some time with his pregnant girlfriend. She then received a text message from him on Saturday morning wishing her a happy birthday and that he loved her. From then on, the aggrieved mother stated she has been trying to contact both her son and Raghoo, but to no avail.
She explained that before he left on Friday morning, her future daughter-in-law promised to take care of “her baby” since she was cognisant that her husband was not at home. During their time in Suriname, Persaud was in constant contact with Priya’s mother and updated her of their whereabouts since she was in contact with them. On Thursday, she explained that she went to Georgetown and upon reaching home, she received a telephone call informing her that her son was back in Guyana and he was on his way home with his fiancée.
No response
She explained that surprisingly, the teenager’s mother contacted her to find out if they had reached home. Another half hour elapsed and she called again to find out, but got another negative response.
The mother explained that the relatives of both parties started to get worried, but held out that they will return during the night. Persaud said after time was swiftly passing, her husband decided to look for them but was not sure where to start since they were not certain if he had gone to Georgetown.
Nevertheless, Arjune’s relatives decided to visit the home of the owner of the service from which their son had rented the car, but on their way, they recognised a white Toyota Raum motor car parked in a dark corner along the Caledonia road, but drove pass. At the home of the owner of the rental service, they were told that Kevin returned since Wednesday and in the same breath, the man also told them that he just passed the rented vehicle parked along the Caledonia Public Road.
With a sigh of relief, they telephoned the relatives of the teenager and informed them, who in turn asked them to wait so that they can go to the vehicle together. Upon arriving at the scene, Persaud jumped out of her car and saw her son and Raghoo lying in the car and thought that they were asleep, but they were confronted with their worst fear when they got close.
“We started to hit the car for them to wake up, but they nah move, so I decide to go around on the left hand side but when meh brace the car meh hand went in the car… de glass break… by this time, she father came and when he look, he seh u known wah, these people dead,” the woman cried.
When asked if Arjune had issues at home, she explained that on Wednesday last, her son informed her that his fiancée was pregnant and wanted to get marry. This, she noted was alarming to her and she told him that it was not possible to get married during this time because of the death of her brother.
She reportedly told him that since the girl is pregnant, and a traditional Hindu wedding was impossible, and she agreed that they would “sign papers” and then they will have a little reception later in the year.
This, she said, did not go down well with her son, thus he became angry and left. She feels that the parents of the girl were pressuring her son to get married to their daughter and he might have been frustrated and resorted to take actions into his own hands.
Meanwhile, the father of the dead girl said the couple shared a special relationship and they loved each other. He said that they recently returned from Suriname, but upon his return, Kevin refused to go home and instead, he slept over. With tears in his eyes, he said he left for Georgetown on Thursday morning leaving them at home and even when he returned home, they were fine and he was not aware of any arguments.
A few minutes later, Arjune told him that he was heading home and left the Soesdyke house, but subsequently returned and requested his daughter to accompany him. His daughter, he added, was reluctant to go but after some encouragement from her mother, she decided and went along and that was the last time he saw her alive. The next time he saw his daughter was in the rented car, dead.
He said his daughter had a gunshot wound to her right temple in the vicinity of her ear and Arjune had one to his right temple as well. He also stated that Arjune had issues at home since his mother wanted to control his life, which he was not in total agreement with. Both families are blaming each other for the couple’s death. The man leaves to mourn his parents, and foster siblings, while the teenager is survived by her parents and two siblings.

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