President Donald Ramotar told the opening of the Caricom Summit that amid volatile food prices, it was time the region gives more impetus to the “Jagdeo Initiative”. Proposed several years ago by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, the “Jagdeo Initiative”, identifies and defines the key constraints facing agricultural development in the Caribbean region.
It aims to make the sector about more than the production of food by exploring the numerous opportunities that exist for agro-businesses which will create more employment, and increase export earnings and the income of all stakeholders, especially farmers. The “Jagdeo Initiative” identifies and defines key, crucial and binding constraints to agricultural repositioning in the Caribbean region and aims to develop and implement targeted, focused and practical interventions at both the regional and national levels to overcome the constraints.
Ramotar in his maiden speech to the regional heads, said as leaders of the region, “We have to also look ahead and anticipate other global issues that are bound to impact on us. One of these relates to food security.” He added that already the region is seeing the volatility of food prices throughout the world. “It should be noted that many economically strong countries are moving into lesser developed states and buying large tracts of land in response to their own food security challenges.”
According to him, the Caricom region is diverse. “It has many varied products and much under-developed potentials. We know that our food import bill is huge, even though we have most of the resources to guarantee our own food supply.

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