
…in September

The Opposition Leader revealed that the Cabinet’s taking a “recess”. He allowed he knows it’s the tradition of Parliament to go into recess…but never Cabinet!! Now, this had some logic to it: after all, Parliament’s supposed to pass laws and debate budgets and such like…all of which have designated timelines. And, then again, after eating G$700,000 of food, and (mostly) liquour, at EVERY sitting (which might’ve induced some “lying” – down!!) MPs HAVE to take a break.
From all that rich food, there’s the ever-present danger of them contracting that “rich man’s disease” – gout, which can be excruciatingly painful – and also cirrhosis of the liver from overconsumption of alcohol. It could very well be that the parliamentary recess – which can last from August to October — might have resulted from medical recommendations!!
But what’s the story on the Cabinet recess? Unlike the timeline-driven agenda of the National Legislators, Cabinet is the Executive, consisting of the President and his Ministers. They make decisions on running the country. Whatever else might be happening with MPs over at the Public Buildings, the demands of the country’s business never stop! Every week, decisions on all sorts of matters having national import must be reviewed; like, for instance, the Opposition’s claim that there are all sorts of boondoggles in the Budget that could take care of the GTU’s demands for schoolteachers. What happens during the Cabinet recess? The country goes on “auto pilot”??
But when you think about it, there’s probably a good reason for Cabinet taking it easy. And no!…it’s not because President Granger’s battery needs recharging. Janet Jagan was years ahead of him, and weekly cabinet meetings never fazed her. And he’s supposed to be keeping up his old army regimen! Naah…it’s not creeping senility either, even though Keith Scott’s outburst on teachers might’ve suggested he suffers from that condition. But then, Scott’s no vital cog for Cabinet (or ANY!) decision-making, that’s for sure!!
The real reason is that there’s really nothing for Cabinet to do, since President Granger has unleashed his doctrine of “unilateralism” in decision-making. He started with making decisions he was supposed to make AFTER consulting MEANINGFULLY with the Opposition Leader. But that was thrown out…like on GECOM, legal appointments, etc. He’s obviously now extended his unilateral decision-making to the Cabinet!!
After all, the Ministers of the Cabinet are all CREATURES of the President, whom he handpicks to run Ministries AND advise him on decisions. From all indications, Granger doesn’t take advice from ANYBODY…least of all from him PRIME Minister, who was supposed to be his PRIME advisor!!
So Cabinet might now be in PERMANENT recess?? No wonder Guyana’s crashing and burning!
…on stiffing T&T
The unilateral decision-making being extended to Cabinet thesis was given further support by the announcement that the President will be meeting TT’s PM, Keith Rowley, next Wednesday to sign that MoU on Oil and Gas cooperation. You might understand President Granger bypassing the Opposition Leader and the GCCI from having some more transparency on the MoU; but wouldn’t he want to be advised by such heavyweight energy mavens like Raphael Trotman on Tuesday’s Cabinet Meeting before meeting Rowley? Wouldn’t you?!
Since he wouldn’t get any opportunity to have an input, Greenidge, as Foreign Minister, offered some gratuitous advice via the press. However, he put his foot in his mouth by confirming the Opposition’s suspicions of a giveaway in the making. He reminded the nation that TT had given oil free to the PNC regime during the 1970s and 80s, when Burnham crashed our economy. Presumably it’s now (literally) paying back time — not “payback”!! — for Guyana!!
And maybe this is why Granger doesn’t need Cabinet??!!

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