By Utamu Belle

They say that knowledge teaches wisdom, and age also comes along with it; for 101-year-old Agatha Campbell, wisdom comes naturally.
Born to Rosaline and Charles Jones, on Sept 19, 1911, “Miss Gathy” or “Mother Gathy”, as she is often called by persons living in her Burnham Drive, Wismar, Linden community, is the lone survivor of a family of eight brothers and one sister.
Despite the fact that her memory is now failing due to Alzheimer’s disease, Miss Gathy reflected in an interview on the years gone by, memories imprinted in her eyes as she related that she was born at Dalgin, down the Demerara River, where she grew up with her parents and siblings while attending the Dalgin primary and secondary schools.
Some of her fondest memories of the time include playing cricket and rounders with her friends in the school yard, which she recalled with a hearty laugh.
Later on she moved to Linden where she married the love of her life, Lennard Campbell, and gave birth to four children. Miss Gathy would spend her days as a housewife before the tragic death of her husband in 1969.
With memories of that tragic day so painful even today, she refused to talk about it. It would be her son Lincoln, with whom she lives along with another son and grandson, who would recall that heart-rending day.
Lincoln related that Miss Gathy and their father were travelling from Linden to Georgetown when they were involved in an accident, during which their father was killed instantly. This, he noted, changed the course of their lives, for the heartbreak of Miss Gathy losing her husband and they, a father, remains stamped in their memories 43 years later.
He also related her motherly guidance, noting he could remember that while he was growing up, his mother was a very strict and honest parent.
“If we went out, we would have to be home early and at a certain time because she never liked it when we came home late; we had to be indoors at a certain time; mommy was really strict with us