Ming elated over blazing start to 2017 season

Guyanese race car sensation Calvin Ming has continued to swift ascendency into the history books with a stupendous start to his 2017 season. Two weekends on the track thus far and the son of veteran Guyanese racer and businessman Stanley Ming, has already secured two podium finishes.

Racing in Mexico in the FIA NACAM F4 Championships, the young speedster secured his third podium place in two weeks despite serious car troubles.
In an interview with Guyana Times International Sport Ming in speaking of his performances explained that “My performance in Mexico was pretty good, it was a lot of hard racing, in the first race I had a little bit of problems, my teammate got in front of me and was pulling away slowly, but I managed to pull him back.”
He added, “Everyone was telling me I was on fire since I was really fast and it was a track that you had to take risks to be fast.”
The Ram Racing driver was hard at work over the season break as other than winning the championship title, he is eager to undergo testing of a USF 2000 which is the equivalent to F3 car in Europe.
“I have been training for the last two months since I wanted to see what results I can get in preparation for USF 2000 later this year; my plans for the new year is to bring home some championships, and make it all the way to the top,” the driver revealed.
Though, making it all the way to the top is certainly an illustrious goal for Ming, his love for the sport is what constantly motivates him to do well.
“My ultimate goal is not necessarily to be an F1 driver, it is just to be a professional driver and make this sport my career, I just love to race, it is very competitive and it gives an adrenaline rush; it is really hard to say how far you are from achieving it, you just have to focus on the races you have now and try to be the best “the former Go-kart champion disclosed.
The future engineer is adamant that if corporate support comes his way they will only benefit as he continues to represent Guyana proudly.
“When we get sponsorship, I will be able to compete and move into higher categories internationally, Guyana and the sponsors will be able to get allot of recognition on the world stage,” the Florida International University student explained.
The talented Ming should be back on the track this weekend again as his busy season has begun.

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