Rape suspect dies hours before court appearance

A prisoner who was expected to appear at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts for the rape of a 16-year-old student died on Tuesday morning after he was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC) by ranks after he began vomiting in the Police lockups.
Dead is Stonie Henry, 47, a welder of Lot 539 Mocha Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara (EBD). Reports are ranks observed the man vomiting at about 06:15h, hours before he was scheduled to make his court appearance.
When questioned, Henry complained of feeling unwell and as such was rushed to the Hospital where he was immediately treated.
However, at 08:00h, the man succumbed. It is suspected Henry may have ingested a poisonous substance; however, this is yet to be confirmed.
His body is presently at the Georgetown Public Hospital Mortuary awaiting a post-mortem examination.
An investigation has been launched.

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